Advocacia 4.0 a evolução do setor

Conteúdos para o setor

Advocacia 4.0 é um termo utilizado para descrever a adaptação dos escritórios de advigados e advogados em geral, às transformações tecnológicas e digitais que estão a ocorrer no mundo dos negócios. Isso inclui a utilização de ferramentas digitais para automatizar tarefas, explorar dados, inteligência artificial, entre outras, com o objetivo de tornar os processos mais eficientes e aumentar a capacidade de oferecer serviços personalizados aos clientes. 

Advocacia 4.0 a evolução do setor

Conteúdos para o setor

Advocacia 4.0 é um termo utilizado para descrever a adaptação dos escritórios de advigados e advogados em geral, às transformações tecnológicas e digitais que estão a ocorrer no mundo dos negócios. Isso inclui a utilização de ferramentas digitais para automatizar tarefas, explorar dados, inteligência artificial, entre outras, com o objetivo de tornar os processos mais eficientes e aumentar a capacidade de oferecer serviços personalizados aos clientes. 

Uma coletânea dinâmica de conteúdos, que a nossa equipa explora e partilha, com o intuito de contribuir para a evolução e competitividade do setor.


Nos processos de investigação sobre a evolução do setor são identificados artigos interessantes que merecem leitura e reflexão, solicite no formulário abaixo acesso aos referidos artigos com as seguintes temáticas:

  • Inteligência Artificial na Advocacia (49)
  • CRM/Marketing na Advocacia (16)
  • Advocacia e gestão do conhecimento (3)
  • Sociedades de adovgados e gestão de recursos humanos (12)
  • Sociadades de advogados e técnologia (19)

"Tomorrow's Lawyers: An Introduction To Your Future"
Richard Susskind
ISBN: 978-0198796633

  • Tomorrow's Lawyers predicts that we are at the beginning of a period of fundamental transformation in law: a time in which we will see greater change than we have seen in the past two centuries. Where the future of the legal service will be a world of internet-based global businesses, online document production, commoditized service, legal process outsourcing, and web based simulation practice. Legal markets will be liberalized, with new jobs for lawyers and new employers too. This book is a definitive guide to this future - for young and aspiring lawyers, and for all who want to modernize our legal and justice systems. It introduces the new legal landscape and offers practical guidance for those who intend to build careers and businesses in law

"The Legal Design Book: Doing Law in the 21st Century"
Meera Klemola y Astrid Kohlmeier
ISBN: 978-9529447251 | Inglês

  • Written by recognized thought leaders in the field, Meera Klemola and Astrid Kohlmeier, this book introduces the concept of legal design as a method to innovate and solve some of the legal industries toughest challenges.
  • It explores what legal design is, why it is important and how to apply it in practice. It also dives deeper into design as a profession and how design mindsets, ideas and ways of working can be transferred to the field of law and includes a suite of real use cases from a selection of clients and collaborators including Airbus, Clifford Chance and Queen Mary University.

Charlotte & Peter Fiell
ISBN: 978-1783583850 | Inglês

  • For decades, companies in other industries have refined techniques to better understand their customers’ needs, uncover insights, and develop new-to-the-world ideas, which are now products and services we use every day. Organisations have concluded that successfully adopting these methods, known as Design Thinking, have greater financial returns than pursuing more traditional ways of operating. As the legal industry grapples with increased complexity, accelerated market deadlines, and budget constraints, design thinking holds promise to create a more delightful client experience while also increasing profitability. This book features insights from leading experts in the field.

LegalScrum, Parte 1: Legal Project Management
Rafael Morales
ISBN: 979-8429745305 | Espanhol

  • LegalScrum es un marco de buenas prácticas para la gestión de servicios y proyectos legales, que proporciona a los profesionales del Derecho las herramientas y técnicas necesarias para alcanzar el máximo grado de calidad, eficacia y rentabilidad.
  • LegalScrum se compone de tres modelos: el modelo iterativo, el modelo continuo y el modelo de calidad. En este volumen, el primero de la serie, se describe el primero, que corresponde a la gestión de casos o proyectos legales, más conocido como Legal Project Management, así como la organización del equipo legal, las prácticas y herramientas de gestión del trabajo que permiten afrontar servicios complejos.
  • Este modelo es adecuado para servicios legales que requieren una gran planificación, como práctica penal, arbitrajes, litigación mercantil, adquisiciones o fusiones o los siempre complejos pleitos en materia de familia. Los abogados y bufetes dedicados a estas materias encontrarán en esta obra una guía práctica para organizar su trabajo y aprovechar la experiencia de la forma más eficaz posible.
  • Tras su éxito con Kanban para Abogados, situado durante más de un año entre los cincuenta libros más vendidos en la categoría de Derecho, Rafael Morales nos presenta el primer volumen de la única metodología de gestión exclusivamente dedicada al mundo legal. Con su habitual estilo cercano y fácil de entender, por fin tienes en tus manos una obra útil sobre el tema, para que puedas aplicarla desde el primer momento en tu propio bufete o despacho jurídico.

Legal Project Management: Control Costs, Meet Schedules, Manage Risks, and Maintain Sanity
Steven B. Levy
ISBN: 978-1449928643 | Inglês

  • Legal budgets are shrinking. Clients call for cost control. Finish on time, they plead. Meet business as well as legal needs. Reduce project risk. Be predictable. Do more with less. The emerging field of Legal Project Management offers a powerful new approach. As described in this groundbreaking book, Legal Project Management is not an alien discipline, full of jargon and process overhead. Rather, it's designed for the specific world of legal professionals. It respects the way attorneys work, enhancing their success by playing to their strengths. Best of all, it's easily mastered by attorneys because it's based on tasks they're already doing. Need to make better decisions and provide accurate information about cost, deadlines, and risks? You need Legal Project Management. Trying to control legal costs? Whether you're in a law firm or in-house, it's time to take advantage of Legal Project Management. Legal Project Management is the essential guide to the subject, with topics arranged so you can easily find the material you need when you need it most. Steven B. Levy, a leading expert in the field, writes with clarity and insight gained from his 35 years of business, project, and legal experience. He shares the lessons of decades of managing and mentoring teams that attained outstanding outcomes. Overworked legal professionals are already doing it all. Now get it all under control with Legal Project Management.

NEXT STAGE LEGAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Future-proof your Matter Management
Ignaz Fuesgen
ISBN: 978-1787424180 | Inglês

  • Corporate legal teams and law firms have made significant investments in their legal project management programmes over the past few years. It is time to take stock and, more importantly, envision future interventions. What are the decisive strategies and actions to expedite the value creation of those programmes? In this book, an international group of 27 experts comprising private practitioners, in-house counsel, technologists, legal operations managers and legal management consultants offer unique perspectives and insights to help you take your legal project management programmes to the next stage. Topics covered include: •Methodology; •People management; •Communication and interaction; •Data and performance; and •Implementation of legal project management programmes. Written by practitioners for practitioners, this title will benefit General Counsel, legal COOs, managing partners, practice leaders and other executives running legal services delivery teams who have initiated legal project management programmes and seek new ideas and inspiration for more value creation. Practical and illustrative examples, case studies and many shared experiences direct the reader towards the next level of proficiency in legal project management – future-proofing your matter management.

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Advocacia 4.0 a evolução do setor

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